Grounding Oneself

“To ground is to pour your energies back into the earth and feel the warm calm of nature entering your body in exchange.” ~Anonymous

Have you ever done this before? I’ve written about it in the past so this probably isn’t the first time you’ve heard it from me… Whenever I’m feeling stressed, anxious, sad, any feeling or mind frame that needs a reset I always head for nature. I gravitate especially towards the sun. Another time I love to go out for a walk is extreme cold temps and I think it’s probably because the cold crisp air in my lungs refreshes me as well as I welcome my extremities feeling numb in place of my whole body or brain.

The summer is always so busy, right? We’re going, going, going nonstop and before you know it it’s almost gone and school is getting ready to gear back up. I feel like all I’ve done is work. Work at work, and work at home. No fun or play. I’m frustrated that we haven’t gone anywhere or done anything as a family. I’m not even talking about a vacation or big tadoo (because seriously, how with all of our farm animals and pets)? I’m talking a simple day trip to a park. A hike. A swim. A museum. Anything. And it’s not anyone’s fault. There’s just not enough time and this fact weighs heavily on me.

I take a lot of walks in the “off months” because I feel like I have more time then. There isn’t always something pressing that needs to be done. I feel okay taking a few moments (or hours) getting lost in nature because there’s not a list the size of Timbuktu needing attention.

But this morning a very loud bird woke me up and I tried rolling back over to appease my heavy eyes but then I made myself get up and get moving. The sun was streaming in, beckoning me to come.

So. I went for a walk. Before I did anything else. I let the dogs outside and that was it. I didn’t even feed any animals, let the chickens out, or make myself a cup of coffee. I grabbed my camera and off I went. I walked. I took some photos. And I got eaten alive by mosquitoes. A beautiful morning, and a great way to start the day. For me it’s very grounding to be out in the woods. Outside in nature. Alone with Mother Earth; alone with God. I allow the stillness of it all to envelope and comfort me. I do my best to push any bad thoughts and energies out of my body and allow them to be replaced with good ones. I ask God to take my anxieties away and allow me to think and move forward with a clear head.

The sound of the water is especially soothing to me. Touching things. Observing things. Small and tiny things one wouldn’t normally notice. The way the sun illuminates the tiny fuzz of plants. The large spiderweb woven between the tall plants along the ditch. Birds flying above my head. Insects flitting around. Dewdrop on the leaves. The algae on the creek bed rocks under my hand. The coolness of the water. The rolling hills in the distance. The wildflowers along the side of the fields…

I’m not able to upload videos to my blog but there’s a little clip I wanted to share with you of my walk this morning.
Click the play button below – I hope you’ll be able to view the movie from my instagram account. Make sure you click the sound button in the lower left corner of the video so you can hear too.

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